
global standard




ISO, Ecovadis, AES-256 encryption ...



We work with many of the largest organisations on the planet, supporting US 1.3tn+ in value across 104+ countries.
toyotaTenaga Nasional Bhd.SingifyRio TintoOld Mutual OCP RPA
Nutrien_Logo_R_colorMercadoLibrekraft HeinzGovt of Victoria (Australia)Foundation BotnarDSM
CortevacocacolaAvangridAnglo AmericanAjinomoto

Top performing companies are 5x more likely to use technology

With an adaptive toolbox of AI, data and smart software, the playing field is no longer level

Intelligent capability.

Deploy a real-time issues intelligence picture of your external world

AI-driven horizon scanning maps, models, and monitors issues in your external environment to detect what’s happening and who's making it happen at scale.  

This "god’s eye" scale builds a strategic blueprint to navigate and shape the environment.

Materiality monitoring for ESG, heatmap to deep dive into specific country, regions, states track sprcific topics | Tsc.ai

Detect off-the-radar issues earlier.

Proactive vs. reactive issue management requires knowing earlier, and knowing better.

Track topic velocity, global-to-local developments, signals, and sentiment at scale, across multiple data streams, from media to Web, social, company, academic and Gov data.

Who are the stakeholders you should engage, why should you engage, what are the engagment pathways? | Tsc.ai

A centralised stakeholder engagement & management platform

Identify, map, and monitor stakeholders & influencers at scale  

-> Engage the right stakeholders at the right time (who you know, and who you should)
-> Rank and monitor positions, interests, and actions in real-time
-> Manage your team workflow (planning, relationship owners, meetings, notes, reports...)

tsc ai

Become hyper-networked

It’s stakeholder science at scale.

Automatically map stakeholder networks, and connections and influence pathways better, faster, and smarter than ever before.

AI-driven global sensing system, benchmarking and peer tracking of share of voice on relevant issues, topics and media | Tsc.ai

No more surprises from competitors

Track, rank, compare and monitor competitor, peer or portfolio initiatives, developments, sentiment, and activities, in real time.

Data driven strategy…
without the data headache.

Maintaining actionable, accurate, real time data, is one of the biggest challenges organisations face.

Say goodbye to the data cost + time + management distraction.

We manage the data flow for you.

AI-driven global sensing system, all in one tech + data + support for business intelligence, issue & stakeholder management | Tsc.ai

Co-pilot for mission critical functions.

The new tools of influence

With 30-50% of EBITDA at stake in today's volatile policy and regulatory landscape, the old tools (Google + XLS + agencies) no longer cut it.

The External Affairs function (or Government Relations, Government Affairs, Public Affairs, etc) has been the least and last digitalized function in any organization but that's now changed.

We’ve led digital External Affairs transformations across the planet, enabling 10x performance with the new capabilities that real time data, AI, and intelligent automation offer.

Download the New Influence Playbook here.  

What could go wrong in government affairs, public affairs without adequate media and issue tracking? | Tsc.ai

No more surprises.

Early warning systems detect issues early to avoid blind spots in the reputational agenda. That means you can shift from being reactive to proactive.

Scientific and data-driven systems map volatile and dynamic environments, to:
-> enable real-time "sense-making" of external signals,
-> benchmark peer group and sector narratives & initiatives; and,
-> track shifting narratives, themes, concepts & key words.


Connect the dots on a planetary scale

From market entry, to new business development, to launching a novel innovation - connecting the dots between what’s happening, where it's happening, and who’s making it happen is mission-critical.

The ESG ecosystem with changing compliance, frameworks, regulations  | Tsc.ai

Managing ESG can be hard.
Fortunately, we wrote the book.

The difference between ESG laggards and leaders increasingly comes down to data and systems.

Working with leaders across the world, we've launched a new class of ESG system enabling:
-> Materiality Pulse - automated and real-time materiality monitoring
-> Global Stakeholder Sensing - stakeholder identification & assessment at scale
-> Global 'Sense Check' - benchmarks your ESG mandate against peers, industry and standards

Download the ESG Playbooks here.

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